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One-on-One Consulting

Create a Family Legacy Story With Expert Guidance


One-on-One Consulting

Create a Family Legacy Story With Expert Guidance


Preserve the stories of your parents and grandparents with our personalized One-on-One Storykeeping Consulting. Our expert facilitators listen carefully to your goals and challenges, and offer a clear pathway to completing your family story project. With proven tools and dedicated support, you’ll confidently bring your family stories to life.

Start writing with our Story Starter Workbook

Get started on your family memoir with our free Story Starter Workbook. Subscribe to our newsletter and receive practical Storykeeping guidance and information about upcoming workshops.


The Storykeeping® Method, Personalized for You

In our One-on-One Consulting, we customize our Storykeeping method with dedicated sessions focused on your family’s history and your goals for the project. We’ll guide you to preserve your memories in manageable, 1-2 page “Slices” that turn your family’s past into a completed story. You’ll work at your own pace and discover that preserving your family history is not only engaging and fulfilling, but also creates a lasting legacy that will resonate for generations to come.

The Power of a Family legacy story

Embrace the journey of connecting the generations and see firsthand the powerful impact on your family.

Learn how to write your family legacy story in a profound and meaningful way.


The Safekeeping Stories Program is of tremendous value to the participants and their families. Prior to this program, the remembrances of my father’s family was a collection of pictures, documents, video recordings and extensive verbal recollections. The carefully designed writing assignments, excellent teaching by Ellen Kaidanow and class interactions enabled me to craft this large collection of information into a flowing narrative that brought my ancestors to life and into historical perspective.
—Howard Reissner
“I can’t thank you enough for all I’ve gotten from the Safekeeping Stories Workshop experience. It provided just the right combination of structure, encouragement, gentle coaching and opportunities to share with our group. These are meaningful family stories that could have stopped with me, but now they have been preserved for my children and future generations.”
—Dr. Robert Stark
“I am very grateful to Jill Sarkozi for developing the framework and providing the tools to help me write and preserve my dad’s story. Safekeeping Stories enabled me to better understand my dad’s life experiences and the dilemmas he faced. I am thankful to have a living document that will ensure my dad’s history will never be forgotten.”
—Dennis Schoen
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One-on-One Consulting Services

When you enroll in our One-on-One consulting services, you gain personalized guidance from an expert facilitator who will help you:

Define Your Project: Establish a manageable scope for your family story project.
Uncover Key Stories: Pinpoint key stories and significant events.
Develop a Research Plan: Receive strategic advice for conducting family history research.
Identify Family Characteristics: Identify character strengths and patterns in your family.
Create a Family Archive: Compile a family archive of crucial facts, photos, and documents for future generations.
Craft a Story that Resonates: Craft stories that meaningfully resonate with your children.
Discover Ways to Share: Learn how to share your written story with your family.
Accomplish Digital Preservation: Enhance the preservation of your story through digital archiving.

Details About Working Together:

Flexible Schedule: We’ll commit to a series of weekly sessions, or schedule from time-to-time when needed, to accommodate your busy life.
Dedicated Sessions: Engage in 50-minutes sessions live via Zoom.
Comprehensive Guidance: Receive a printable Storykeeping Method Guide and post-session summaries with personalized instructions for writing story Slices.
Written Feedback: Obtain detailed, written feedback on your story Slices, refining and enhancing your narrative and suggestions for next steps in your story.
Email Support: Email your facilitator anytime you have questions.
Research Support: You drive the depth, and we provide guidance, direction, and knowledge about best practices.
Support for Sharing: We help you create books, presentations, and digital archives, making it easy to share and celebrate your family’s story with loved ones.
Time Commitment: We suggest a minimum of 90 minutes for your work at home. Spend 2-3 hours to get the most out of your sessions.
Individual Session: $195
Session Packages
$540 for 3
$1020 for 6
$1280 for 8
$1500 for 10
All Safekeeping Stories workshop graduates receive a 10% discount.

Prefer a group workshop?

Learn more about our Family Memoir Workshop and Safekeeping Stories of the Holocaust Workshop.

Ready to start?

Book your initial consultation today and take the first step to create your family’s legacy story for the generations to come.

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